Tuesday, July 27, 2010

That was a great meeting today. It was funny about the 'can of worms' opened about igoogle. Also I agree and the ying yang. I do need to learn the technology but I am also excited about opening up my world and learning to interact with people all over the world and learning from them. Goodness knows I may have something useful to share one day too!
I have had several attempts and subscribing to other peoples blogs without any success so far. How do I know if I'm following you? Or maybe I am following you but don't know it? I would love to sort this out. can someone help?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jo, can you do me a big favour - when you write a post, please can you give it a title. This will allow the post to show up in the Wiki page. Thanks :)
    href="http://facilitatingonlinecommunities.blogspot.com/2010/07/keeping-up-with-blog-posts-and-comments.html">Have a look at the post and screencast I put together about how to subscribe/follow other blogs.
